Monday 28 May 2007

What I have learned

From this exercise I have learned so many information about global warming and now i am aware enough to how to deal with this problem personally and i am also able to discuss with others about this issue. By using the blogger website i also learned how to create my own blog using web site facilities. Further more this exercise has enhanced my communication skills by using more new English words. In the area of information technology i will be able to present my work in a professional style.


Ahmed said...

Hi yaqoub

Can u tell me what u will do to help reducing Global Warming..?

Yaqoub said...

Yes Ahmed

I can do so many things in order to help reducing global warming as folloing

1-Tropical tree growth slowed.

2-Buy a Hybird Car

3-Buy A fuel Efficient Car

4-Reduce garbage

5-Use recycled paper

6-Plant a tree