Saturday 26 May 2007

The effects of Global warming

over the last 100 years the global temperatures have been increasing slowly by 0.20 C˚in every ten years. If the temperature continuing increasing by the same amount the global temperatures will rise form 5 to 9 degrees over the next fifty years, several things could happen. The increase of temperature could alter the growth of crops in areas near the equator due to insufficient rain and heat. this could really effect countries that rely in imported food.

With the high temperatures the polar ice caps could melt and cause the sea water level to go up 3 feet. this could take out small islands, coastal cities and some shallow rivers. Another effect of global warming when the temperatures do spread southword and northword and some dangerous and tropical disease will spread with it causing many more deaths because it will be out of control. Moreover many cities need to be rebuild due to the flooding and more money need to be spent on food and medical supplies and workers. All of this combined could and will cost a lot of money if we don't do something about is now.


Ahmed said...

In ur opinion, what is the most dangerous effect of Global warming..?

Yaqoub said...

hi Ahmed

in my opinion i think the most dangerous effect of glaobal warming is that where come form the industrial activities.

Anonymous said...

Good words.