Sunday 27 May 2007

The effect of rising in temperature

When the temperature do rise due to the global warming many thing are expecting to be happen.One of the Major effect of rising temperature is the shortage of fresh water.By the year of 2020 400 million to 1.7 billion of people will not have enough water which can make a global concern about finding fresh water cross the world. Also warmer water can kill some sea wildlife such as tropical coral reefs because the sea water will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmospher. This will make the sea more acidic. Moreover due to the climate change the polar ice caps will melt and cause the sea water level go up to 3 feet which can take out many cities, small island and some shallow rivers from the map.


Nehyan Al Ameri said...

I agree with you the rise of temp is will damage our planet.

Yaqoub said...

and it will damage our lifes as well

Molly Kirk said...

What do you think nuclear warfare has to do with all of this!

Do you think that nuclear weapons are a serious concern for oour planet in terms of global sarming?

Why or why not!

Yaqoub said...

In my opinion nuclear warfare is going to be a serious concern and a major cause of global warming especially when its effects stays for a long term after any war or after any nuclear experiments.