Sunday 27 May 2007

Transportation and global warming

As result of rapid growth of world population the need for transportations is increase. As most of modern transportations such as cars, plans, trains,…etc are running by fossil fuel and when the fossil fuel burns it produce a various of greenhouses gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and cause global warming. In some cases like in rush hours time cars and other vehicle produce much more carbon dioxide then any time raising the heat of the climate. Also modern transportations are Responsible for over 60% which is about one third of our nation’s production of carbon dioxide of the enhanced greenhouse effect, causing climate change.


BO-SARAH said...

i think we can solve this problem. here in the uae the minicipilties plants the trees on side of the roads because the plants take the carbon dioxide to grow

Yaqoub said...

There is Another way to solve this problem by reducing the number of cars that using our roads especially the old cars that preducing huge amount of CO2

al3feefi said...

What do you think the most factor that cause the increase in temprture?

Yaqoub said...

Hi Emad

in the meantime the most factor that helps increasing global warming is the industrial activities as well as the Nuclear weapons activities