Thursday 31 May 2007

How can we save our planet

There are so many things to do to reduce global warming as individual such as:

  1. replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
  2. Walk, cycling, carpool or talk mass transit more often, you will save one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile you don't drive.
  3. You can save 2400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of your household waste.
  4. keeping your tires inflated properly can improve gas mileage by more than 3% and every gallon of gasoline saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
  5. It takes a lot of energy to heat water. Use less hot water by installing a low flow shower head and washing your clothes in cold or warm water.
  6. You can save 1200 pounds of carbon dioxide if you cut down your garbage by 10%.
  7. By moving your thermostat just 2 degrees in winter and up 2degrees in summer you could save about 2000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year with this simple adjustment.
  8. In every tree we plant it will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.
  9. By turning off our electronic devices we will save thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

and also Listen to this song and it will be self explaining !!


Molly Kirk said...

Wow, Fantastic song link! I dodn't know you were a Michael Jackson fan! Seriously, this song shows clearly how people of my generation hoped that Micael Jackson would be our spokesperson to change the world.

Sad that we are still waiting. But still, the music is nice!

Yaqoub said...

Thank you Miss.

I found this song is the most suitable song to this subject.Actually i was and iam still one of the michael Jackson fan. He still the best songer in the warld.